Case for MGTOW Part II: Response and Further Investigation


If you haven't read the part I or Lilaqua's response, please do so.

While it is an eloquent response, the author, lilaqua fails to provide actual solutions to any of the problems. To be fair, it is not her job nor her responsibility, but if the premise is that MGTOW is not the solution, it would be more complete to provide a solution for those Incel men or those “bitter” men. The Feminist movements such as #MeToo had good intentions but it has become unreasonable now; it even has gone far enough to destroy women’s jobs, i.e. grid girls. The problem with the movement is the push for bypassing Constitutional rights. Basic judicial rights such as due process is no longer valid. The #MeToo movement evolved into a social media frenzy of random accusations.

It is very easy and obvious to state that men are in power and it’s their fault and the systematic problems men face are the result of these men and historic precedence. Thus, if there is anyone to blame, it’s men; although that is true, similar to the wage gap, there are underlying reasoning why the current system exists. Because many men are in power, the men in power should just fix the system. However, they cannot do that because women are half the population, and they vote as a result of the US 19th Amendment. These men want to stay in power; if the other half of the population are men, these polarizing issues should end up in a stale mate. Yet, this does not happen because men are naturally competitive. They want access to women and if the system happens to get rid of the competition, then that’s great. Only when an existential threat can unite men to a common cause.

Case for MGTOW Part II: Response and Further Investigation

“If you really cared you'd try to petition, talk with parliamentarians, make charities and groups supporting your cause that could actually do some good. Plus don't act like men don't tie up women in difficult positions in court, not just with divorces but other kinds of legal proceedings.”

For this response, I will give you the Men’s Rights Movement. What have they changed for the betterment of men even though they advocate for men? Nothing. In fact, being vocal leads to further harassment and potential job loss due to the stigma of the MRM. As such, many MGTOWs are anonymous.

The point of that protest is that anytime a group of men try to do something or have some space to make things more fair, there is a virtue signaling of women that will overwhelm the cause.

Men May tie up women in court, but the men will eventually lose.

How can women weaponize the system?

Because of things like listen and believe and the MeToo movement, women can reveal or accuse someone of rape or sexual harassment or sexual assault. The immediate response is either to cater to the accuser or to recuse oneself from the situation. As a result, the person being accused becomes increasingly isolated. Only recently, have there been a few public figures who have criticized the movement for overstepping the boundaries and making ridiculous accusations. That seems minor; nothing happens to the guy being accused anyway. However, Accusations will:

significantly limit your ability to work, live, and lead a normal life in your town. There will be restrictions on where you can go, who you can see, and the type of jobs you can have. Your life will be changed forever even if you are not formally charged or convicted of a crime. The social stigma surrounding the rape allegations are likely to follow you wherever you go. Your friends and family may look at and treat you differently. If your accuser has requested a restraining order, you may have difficulty living a normal life. You may even lose the right to have custody of or visit your children if a court believes you pose a threat to their health and wellbeing -Ambrosio E. Rodgriguez, LA Criminal Defense Attorney.

Case for MGTOW Part II: Response and Further Investigation

Let’s say people do not believe her and to prove it, she files a police report. The man is now formally charged. More people will abandon the man and convict him of the wrongdoing even prior to trial. If it happens that the accuser did lie, then most of the time the charges are dropped, and nothing happens. Only extreme circumstances like a British woman who got 15 men in jail for rape charges went to prison for an extended period of time because she falsely accused them. Men can do the same but won’t receive the same reception.

Women can also use the Duluth Model (Domestic Abuse Prevention Program) and accuse men of domestic violence. Under the Duluth model, which has been adopted by many police departments, men are the perpetrators and are most likely arrested on the spot during a domestic violence dispute even if the violent person is the woman because it “prioritizes the voices and experiences of women.”

Whether people want to believe it or not fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Men pay majority of the alimony. Depending on children, the assets will be split 50% but if the quality of life of the partner dictates the alimony as well. If child support is considered more than half of the breadwinner’s income goes to the other party. This seems fair, but a woman can weaponize the system by becoming a stay at home wife or by marrying a man with great wealth.

She can also weaponize the divorce system by filing a restraining order against the man and force him out of the house.

Men can do the same, but they rarely do because of stigma and partisan judges, but generally men have a more “optimistic outlook”

These are just a few options women can use the system against men; this is not to say all women will exercise these options. Nonetheless, men make great mistakes in relationships or during courtships, if the woman is scorned enough, she may exercise these nuclear options. It does not matter if you treat her well, women feel more than men do; if she feels there is a problem, then it is reality.

“You're acting like every relationship is going to end badly. Sometimes there are divorces, but plenty can be relatively amicable and can be the result of male wrongdoing.”

This is a very bleak outlook on relationships and courtships, and for many people it will work. Great, fantastic news and wish you on your pleasant journey; however, there is a great possibility that things will end badly. Are these people mentally and financially prepared?

Why do people have insurance? Because if something bad happens, there is a fall back that will help them through the financial setbacks. People don’t hope for bad things to happen but when it does, who’s responsible for it? In relationships, the antagonist is often the man, and he ought to have a back-up plan because there is no insurance for a failed relationship. I don’t hope for bad things; bad things just happen. When it does, few if any are going to help the people involved, especially helping men. For marriages, people hold on to the notion of prenuptial agreements. However, judges have been known to ignore them.

What does the previous explanation have to do with the Incel and bitter men community?

Case for MGTOW Part II: Response and Further Investigation

The Incel men do not meet the standards of many women; as such he is Incel. Traditionalists will recommend continuing pursuing women but there’s a high probability they are perceived as creepy because of their deficiencies. This is why the van attack and Eliot Rodgers events occurred. Even if they were successful and used the PUA option, they can scorn a woman and she will exercise the nuclear options mentioned previously.

Again, MGTOW is about practicality and not about what would be nice in an ideal world. MGTOW is a survival strategy in a hostile environment. People continue to perceive noting the negatives of women equates to hating women. That is not true; MGTOW know the positives of women; noting the negatives leads to greater understanding. It’s similar to people criticizing a car and noting the mechanical issues; does that automatically equate to those people hating that car? No, it does not; it’s about understanding the limitations of that system. Ultimately making a decision whether that car is a good value.

“Under the current environment, the system with the general behaviors of women foster a terrible deal for men.” Because of this condition, MGTOW exists.

One feasible solution is for these men to go overseas to find wives as Dargil suggested, but toxic feminism ideals are spreading worldwide.

I expect, once again, that many opinions will become negative against my analysis which is fine. I will predict that most people will dismiss my arguments and equate it to nonsensical complaining. Essentially, men should remain silent and do their jobs. This hasn’t worked because there’s a stir about incel rebellion. Even if people don’t label themselves MGTOW, is it really that terrible for a man to live his life without finding a relationship?

Case for MGTOW Part II: Response and Further Investigation
22 Opinion