The Case for MGTOW


With the recent van attack due to a man who is involuntarily celibate (INCEL), there’s been many responses to lump the Men’s Rights Movement, INCEL, and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) into one single political group. Generally, the attitude and opinions are negative; similar to a terrorist attack or any other attacks, there’s a natural tendency to blame some group. This time, since this man was not a Muslim nor was he an “Alt-right,” the group happens to be MGTOW. The intent is to present the case for MGTOW and to examine its feasibility

Here’s some background on MGTOW.

1. There is no political agenda in MGTOW nor is there a leader. There are various voices in MGTOW but no ladder or chain of command of the organization. There is no now national MGTOW movement

2. MGTOW is a lifestyle and generally follows these trends:

A. Do not get married.

B. Do not cohabitate with the opposite sex

C. Find your purpose

3. MGTOW is not the male version of Feminism.

The Case for MGTOW

Now with this established, why does MGTOW exist?

The claim is that western society is gynocentric, meaning society favors women. Divorce court rulings, child custody cases, rape charges, #MeToo, alimony, taxes, and domestic violence shelters favor women. Men get harsher jail sentences too and the lists goes on. As a result, it is the logical conclusion that society favors women based on the aforementioned observations.

For example, Ann Coulter, stated there is a correlation between single mothers and crime. The book, “Freakonomics” noted that there was a decrease in crime due to the legalization of abortion, preventing thousands of single mothers. However, Ann Coulter was shamed for making such a correlation. What can a person conclude from this interaction is it’s not the women’s responsibility; it's the dead beat men.

The number one rule currently in western society is only women can be the victim and society owes women; thus, no wrong speak of women is tolerable. Women don’t owe men anything! This evidence lies in things like gender only spaces; there can be women only clubs but not any men only clubs. It is also seen in the dating world; women can go on dates and spend the men’s money and owe them nothing. If men just have sex with women, then those men are "using" women. Every aspect where a group of men can get together and just talk to one another cannot exist. They must be speaking badly about women. As a result, MRA or MRM will never gain traction. The fact is the gender war was over a long time ago; women won.

If women cannot be bad, then the blame shifts to men. Shaming men is the general trend and behavior for most people. Men bear the responsibility of their actions or inactions. Men are to blame if their life is good or bad; men are the bad guys if a relationship in all aspects do not go well. One example of male blame is female school teachers who sleep with their male students are not labelled pedophiles; the male students are blamed for seducing the female teachers. Another example is if men criticizes women or just point out women’s behavior negatively, they are misogynists, which supports the claim that women can do no wrong; "it’s propaganda if men spread these lies about women. Women shall be respected." Marriage is at an all time low; most media outlets blame men for not “manning up” or being mature enough to have a relationship. Again, it’s men’s fault.

The Case for MGTOW
The societal men will state not all women are like that, and that these lonely "bitter" men must continue their search. There are more benefits in a relationship and being with a woman. They ought to gave a relationship and have a family with them, but when divorces or rape charges occur, these societal men disappear. They abandon those lonely men and even if they are exonerated, people will still assume they committed wrongdoing. There is no support for men because society generally do not care about men. So, these “bitter” men have no support and have no identity; the logical step is suicide. Similar to veterans, they lose their purpose and their identity.

However, what if there was a path where a man can reshape his purpose outside of procreation? Can he function in this world? Alas, the idea of MGTOW enters the world. MGTOW presents an option for lonely men or men who are afraid of the gynocentric government. MGTOW remind men that they are in control of their situation and can find a fruitful life outside of societal expectations. They must find their purpose. Now, the counter argument is that MGTOW is not like this; “they’re all bitter and angry.” For this, it appears that these men are going through the steps of acceptance. Anger is part of the process of accepting that procreation for those lonely men is not going to happen. Of course, they’re going to be angry and emotional and when people spout emotional comments, it may not be an accurate representation of who they are. More importantly, even if these men hate women, there’s no call to action against women. The reason is it is impossible to do so. Additionally, to blame women for their nature is the wrong course of path because that’s similar to blaming a lion for eating an antelope; it’s what they do.

The Case for MGTOW

Let’s propose that all of the observations provided are dismissible, and these men are delusional. To these men, perception is reality; they see the pattern, and they believe it, observable reality. The question then rests in what is the solution for these lonely men? Suicide is one of them and evidence shows a lot of men commit suicide. Yet, this is not healthy. Another is to keep on searching for the right woman, hopefully they win the lottery, but again, women owe them nothing. As a result, a strong possibility is that they become “Incel” and commit crimes because of the constant rejections. Even being a Pick up Artist is bad. Finally, there is MGTOW, but if MGTOW is not the solution, what is the solution? At the end of the day, we ought to help these men and currently, only MGTOW appears to have a logical solution.

If you have another solution, please share and this is not an endorsement nor hit piece against MGTOW, but merely inspection of what these men vocalize.

The Case for MGTOW
86 Opinion