There's Really Only Two Types of Men


There's Really Only Two Types of Men.

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

When I say two types of men I don't mean alphas and betas, I don't mean good or bad, I mean the strong and the weak. On this MyTake let's talk about the weak ones and their actions.

The Weak Man

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

1. Needs Acknowledgement

No other creature in nature needs to be acknowledged that it has worth as much as a these men do. A weak man, who is not aware of his own value needs to hear it constantly. Weak men like to be praised; they are narcissistic. When criticised, they overlook useful feedback from people which they can learn and throw a fit instead.

2. Can't Lose

It is especially unbearable for weak men to lose to a woman. Weak men are crushed by the feeling of failure. It rocks their whole world losing at all. A strong man says: “So What" , I lost to a girl doesn't mean I'm less of a man. A weak man says: " The Bitch Cheated ?"

3. Are Negative

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

It takes great strength to see the good in people, things and circumstances around you. That is why there are so few positive thinkers today, both men and women.

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

The weak like to talk about bad things that have happened to them or bad things that can happen to them. They despise others; they keep repeating the supposed injustices of life blah, blah, blah. This is otherwise known as "Poor me Syndrome".

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

4. Take Everything Personal

The pride of the weak man leads to a feeling that everything that is happening to them is a direct personal attack. Their ego is so small they can not take criticism at all. They begin ranting about something at (who knows what) and continue being defensive becaues of that Glass Ego.

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

Through their pride, the strong men know that the things others say, or do, say much more about the person saying it than about the receiver of any harsh words or actions.

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

It is simply because the reaction of every person reflects particularly his or her intelligence level, mental state, experience and scope.

5. The Incels

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

In the past few years, a subset of straight men calling themselves “incels” have constructed a violent political ideology around the injustice of young, beautiful women refusing to have sex with them. #WTF

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

Incels tend to direct hatred at things they think they desire or deserve; they are obsessed with female beauty but despise makeup as a form of fraud. It's much easier to blame women. It's much harder to be a man and take accountability for his flaws and failures through out life.

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

In Conclusion

While our society seems to be more harsh with their gender expectations of women, men don’t get off Scott-free either. There are many things that men need to live up to, whither they want to or not. If they fail to do so, then they can face the negative consequences of being viewed by many others as weak. The reason they are viewed as weak is, they are week.

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

Okay weak guys bring on the traits I named above: insult me, blame society, be negative, throw a fit, don't be accountable for your actions, and of course feel personally attacked by a female that would never sleep with you (that's me).

Show me I'm right again like you always do fellas. I can't wait to see the weak shit you post. Makes me laugh...

Theres Really Only Two Types of Men

Thanks everyone for reading, and thanks to the strong men out there too! We girls appreciate you guys, your manners, and your masculinity,,,,,, keep it up



There's Really Only Two Types of Men
147 Opinion