The Red Pill Community Is a Disaster And Nothing But Mysogyny. (Ex-Member speaks out)


Hello everybody how is your day been going,

The Red Pill Community Is a Disaster And Nothing But Mysogyny. (Ex-Member speaks out)

I have been in quarantine for 10 days and got infected with Covid-19. I have been vaccinated about 3 Times and so having mild symptoms from feeling like I have a cold. But anyways... Today we are going to discuss about a special topic that has been well-known all over the social media and internet which is the Red Pill Community.

First let us talk, what is the red pill community?

-The Term Red Pill of that community has been copied from the Movie ''Matrix'' where the protagonist is invited to choose between a red and blue pill. The red reveals the world for what it truly is; an artificial construct of machines which have enslaved humanity (IN THIS CASE IT IS MAINLY ABOUT THE DATING GAME AND WOMEN).

The blue Pill allows the protagonist to remain in a comfortable delusion; spared from facing the horrors beyond (THATS WHAT THE RED PILL COMMUNITY CALLS US THESE DAYS. WE ARE DELUDED AND THEY ARE THE BEST SPECIES EVER)

Why does the Red Pill Community exist?

-As an Ex Member who has been involved in and witnessed so many Hate Speeches about the dating game, I have awakened and found out that this act was an excuse to complain about women because of their inability to improve social skills and deal with their own problems. Those Problems are:

  • Pain of Rejection (I am being serious... I was an Ex Member and yes I apologize for doing so much terrible stuff. I even feel bad about myself for doing this)
  • How Women are promiscuous and can't be trusted (LMFAO!)
  • Women have more options and can have sex as often as they want (Lmao what does that mean? So what bro? Punish them? beat them up? Jail them for a lifetime because they want to enjoy their life?)
  • How the man has to do all the work

And anything like this or similar.

So these guys spend all day writing Paragraphs about women, helps them feel better about themselves. It helps them feel like they understand they understand the problem, and use their flawed logic to justify why they are doing terrible with women

Why they are doing terrible with women:

As best as I know, it's how they have been raised, growing up with false friends, wrong neighborhood etc. or feeling so cool to be a part of this. Developing such a mindset. Most guys who complain about women do it because they can't land any date and probably never will when they are miserable like this. what I am saying is to stick your chest up, keep your head up and JUST HANDLE/DEAL WITH IT WHEN SHE REJECTS YOU, GHOSTS, WHATSOEVER. YOU JUST MOVE ON. DON'T LET YOURSELF GO. DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK WOMEN AREN'T STRUGGLING JUST LIKE YOU? WHO SAID FINDING A PARTNER IS EASY?

They don't date the girls they want, and they don't have an abundance of high quality relationships with women in their lives. So what do those guys too (I am referring to the red pill community by the way... not addressing other normal guys)

They spend their time online complaining about the Dating Game, Women, Female Nature and why Girls only date Chads... Hey and if some of them date chads... what is your business? The truth is that they have no any clue or idea to understand women and dating. And Understanding comes from Abundance and not Scarcity. If they really understood women, then logically, they'd have lots of them in their life. Makes sense right? So because they can't get any woman, this Philosophy The Red Pill, helps them cope with the hard truth by putting the blame on women instead of themselves.

Don't let resentful Red Pill members convince you into thinking dating women is toxic, bad, harmful and worthy of resentment !! Because they are trying to recruit people to gain power!! And those people are mostly one's who share their emotional pain and open up, then have no any clue what the red pill community is until someone comes by!!!!!

Guys... Life is about relationships. I know how bad dating can become when you are so frustrated. Maybe you have been played or hurt like 5 to 6 times? But hey GOOD WOMEN ARE ALWAYS THERE. it sometimes is hard to work out. But just don't give up and stop looking so much. Do you think it's only between two sexes? There are:

  • Family Bonds
  • Friendships
  • Acquaintance
  • Other People in your daily life (Cashiers, Taxi Drivers, Therapists etc.)

All of the evolution is predicated and finding a romantic mate and spreading your genetics. According to a study, The global human population will reach 8.0 billion in mid-November 2022 from an estimated 2.5 billion people in 1950, adding 1 billion people since 2010 and 2 billion since 1998. It took around 37 years since 1950 for human numbers to double, surpassing 5 billion inhabitants in 1987.World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100. The current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, according to a new United Nations report being launched today

Romantic Relationships are one of the most meaningful and important, fullfilling parts in your life. And learning the skillset of dating and communicating with attractive women is the best way to make sure you get the most out of this aspect of your life.

Dear Red Pill Community I have a good question to ask you...

...if you think my writing about you is foolish, Stupid, Lmao, Lol, Knight, Simp, Whatever... what do you believe makes your horrible attitude towards women and dating Valid all over the internet? Your hostile opinion compared to my clarification valid? Do you think you are being adored by everyone? Don't you think that it is the best time to change and fix your insecurities? Do you really believe that this mindset makes you happy? No it doesn't. Seriously. This hostile and terrible attitude towards women and other men who don't agree with you, makes you very unhappy. The stuff the red pill community says is so disconnected from the reality, while trying their best to convince themselves that they are the only one living in the reality.

So to the normal guys... Whatever you are going through.... I wish you the very best and strength.

Thanks for reading everyone!


The Red Pill Community Is a Disaster And Nothing But Mysogyny. (Ex-Member speaks out)
37 Opinion