He said he loved me, then took it back?

My boyfriend spends almost every day with me and invites me to his house all the time. We have great sex, but only about once a week.
We spent the weekend at his house. We had a great time and after sex he said he loved me. The day after, he took it back. He says he cares for me very deeply but he just doesn't have those kind of feelings for me yet. He says he wants to see if it will develop more..
He once called me the wrong name during sex. But he is very affectionate with me physically and said he is emotionally attached to me. What should I do? I’m crazy about him, but I don’t know if he cares about me at all.
+1 y
Im getting different answers from guys and girl..and I'm confused.. Maybe he is having a hard time identifying his feelings or got caught up in the moment, like you said. I'll give it some more time..
He said he loved me, then took it back?
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