Is he an asshole or i'm overreacting?

So there's this guy in college, who used to be close. When we got introduced to each other, I was pretty slender- however I started putting weight on due to depression. It was very drastic however I started losing weight and when I told my friend that I lost some weight he said "I hope you lose another 50 kg (sarcastically), and I did not even put on that amount of weight, so I stopped talking to him from about a week ago, and this morning he texted me saying "why aren't you answering me" so I just want to make sure that I'm on the right track and that I'm not overreacting because it makes me feel that I am so yeah.. what do I do?
Yes, very rude
No, you're overreacting
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Is he an asshole or i'm overreacting?
23 Opinion