Why did an Asian man stare at me inside a sushi restaurant?

I was with a friend this day. We went inside the sushi restaurant.

And we went to cashier and there was the Asian man in his 25-32s staring at me. We ate sushi and then he came back to pick up our plates, drinks. He stared again.

Is it because I wore a t-shirt with Japanese text on and he was thinking I’m sure some weeabo obsessing over his culture or he just finds me weird because I’m a white emo kid? He didn’t even stare at my friend. He kept making eye contact? What’s up with Asians? Do Asians actually stare at European/white people everytime? What do they think about us European people? I’d you’re Asian please answer this.

Do you have any clue?
He thinks you are trying to steal his culture and tryna be Asian.
He thinks you are an blue-eyed Walmart emo kid trying to harvest his soul.
I’m Asian and I’m gonna explain why so sit down and bundle yourself up with hot chocolate!
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Why did an Asian man stare at me inside a sushi restaurant?
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