Why does my rude crush watch my instagram stories?

A while ago, I asked this question: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/guys-behavior/q2697218-how-do-you-ward-off-unwanted-romantic-attention-from-women , which was all about a guy who was being rude to me in response to me showing interest in him. Since then, we followed each other on instagram (initiated by me because I'm stupid) and I've noticed that he's watched every single instagram story I've posted, all within minutes of me posting. Does this mean anything or am I vastly overthinking the situation? I can't help but feel that it is strange that he would be so rude to me and then turn around and obsessively watch my stories. I also do not understand how it's humanly possible for him to watch them so quickly after I post, unless he opens instagram every 5 minutes. Very confused, also feeling super stupid for still caring about this guy at all.
Why does my rude crush watch my instagram stories?
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