Why do guys prefer short girls?

I used to not care about how I look or if I even ended up with someone or not, but someone pointed out to me that shorter girls are more feminine and that guys prefer short girls and that really killed my self esteem. I was also sort of rejected by a guy and kept comparing myself to the girls he goes after. Is it true guys prefer and date shorter girls? I mean studies have also been done that say that tall women don't have success with dating and relationships and are more career oriented. Now it's an insecurity for me everyone notices my height and I can't get away with certain things or clothes because of it. Is it true guys like short girls?
I'm 5'11 and still growing by the way , don't know where my height will stop but I've stopped measuring it cus I dont see it as a good thing and it'll only make me feel worse about myself.
Also is it scientifically true that short girls have more estrogen while taller girls have more testosterone?
I don't know if that's true but one thing I've noticed is that tall girls do have broad shoulders and narrow hips/ flat bums in general and guys aren't into that ( I'm one of those girls as well with this type of body ) . Also the whole long legs thing isn't a good look on every tall girl , I'm 180 lbs and my legs look lanky asf , so I guess that's also another reason why ,
Other than those reasons , are there any scientific or biological reasons why guys are into shorter girls? What are some short girl advantages in relationships?
Why do guys prefer short girls?
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