My boyfriend doesn't "support me" on social media?

Okay. So I'm not exactly a big social media person - but I do understand it is a bit of a social convention nowadays, a lot of couples posting pics together, etc. I have social media mostly to market my music, and I am finding that my own boyfriend does not follow my pages or support them on any platform (Facebook, instagram, etc.). He claims that he "doesnt really use those apps" but I always see him scrolling through when we are together. I've also caught him "loving" other girls pictures just not mine. Also looking at inappropriate pics of women on those sites. but again, doesn't show support for me.
Also, recently I had a musical performance and expressed that I wanted him to come. He said he had to stay late at work, and then texted me he's going home. So he didn't seem to really care or want to come to my show which was upsetting. I told him how I felt and he responded with a shallow "Sorry" followed by "whatever" "you're overreacting" and that it was "selfish of me". I dont feel like I was overreacting nor that it was selfish of me to expect my boyfriend to be more supportive of things that matter to me. So what you guys think?
your boyfriend should support you more and show it on social media
social media doesn't matter
clearly he doesn't really care and neither should you aka - move on.
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My boyfriend doesn't "support me" on social media?
31 Opinion