Guys, what's the longest you've gone without texting a girl you like? Day, weeks, months?

I'm curious how long some of you have gone without texting a girl you like. There's a guy I like but we hadn't talked for 4 months and then he messaged me last month telling me he'd be in town. At first I was hesitant to let him and a friend stay with me, but it actually worked out really well. After that I've been in 2 trips with him (he lives rather far away) I noticed some differences in the way he acted towards me, he's been a lot more generous, and in the past I was always the one to reach out first. He never checked up on me in the past, but he did these past couple of times. The thing is, it's been about 3 weeks now and we haven't talked. It seems like he really only messages me if we plan to meet up/talk about trip plans. I'm not reaching out now because I don't want to repeat the old cycle. So what do you guys think, is he not interested in me? Sees me only as a friend or travel buddy? He also thanks me when I travel with him, and bought or made me food the last 2 times I was with him (and he didn't do this for any of our other friends) so what's up?
Guys, what's the longest you've gone without texting a girl you like? Day, weeks, months?
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