Why do grown men make this face?

Insert dick here, here and here
Insert dick here, here and here
These sacks of shit make. me sick when i see this. Do they actually think they are attractive? It looks like the face my cat makes when she hisses. I am confused. What is wrong with a smile?
If Wil Wheaton does it...
If Wil Wheaton does it...
I cannot begin to tell you how much this disgusts me. It taps into something biological and immediately makes me want to get away. I think it is like survival of the fittest. The way disease and things that are unhealthy make you recoil in disgust.
Hands down worst offender of all
Hands down worst offender of all
Is this some secret meaning because i honestly cannot imagine that a sane man actualy thinks this is attractive.
Why do grown men make this face?
35 Opinion