Why has his texting habits changed?

So basically I have been texting this guy on and off for over a year now. Throughout the year sometimes we would text constantly Everyday, others we’d just snap chat each other pictures of our faces and we would never go anymore than 3-4 days without texting each other. We got together on nights on, slept together and had sleepovers etc. I noticed that it wasn’t really going anywhere we where just stuck in this cycle so I acc met someone new throughout this time and ended up going out with this new guy. Even when I was with my boyfriend he never stopPer texting me and if anything He text me more but I ignored due to the fact that I had a new boyfriend. When me and my ex broke up about 2 months ago this other guy has been constantly texting me saying things that he’d never usually talk about like relationships and he is acc showing an interest in my life and what I’m doin. Why has his opinion changed all of a sudden? Is it because I got a new boyfriend?
Why has his texting habits changed?
2 Opinion