Girl getting nervous around you, cute or annoying?

I have been hanging out with this guy for the past few weeks and we went on a date a couple days ago. I really like him and he seems to like me. He is older than me (probably 8 years or so). The problem is that when we hang out I get nervous, not turn into a bumbling idiot nervous, but my articulation skills definitely decrease :)

I am mature for my age (I know, everyone on this site says that) and I have accomplished much more than most people in my age range have. When I do get nervous I probably act how a typical 18 year old would, but still it is immature. I am not even sure if he can tell I get nervous, but I assume that he can. Would it annoy you if a girl got nervous around you, or would you find it endearing?
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Girl getting nervous around you, cute or annoying?
5 Opinion