My coworker and I are totally into each other but he has a girlfriend, what do I do?

We met on 9/2 and have been inseparable ever since. We take our lunches and breaks together. We can’t stop touching each other, we can’t stop talking to each other, we can’t get enough of each other. But we only hang out at work and don’t talk outside of work. The thing is, he has a girlfriend and told me like 2 weeks ago, but nothing between us really changed. He jokes about taking naps together, going places together, he wants to hangout outside of work, all this stuff. Called me baby the other day and calls me his work wife. Everyone knows he’s into me and I’m into him. But he still has a girlfriend. He explained it to me as “we met before quarantine and she kept coming over once it started.” But never brings her up, and I remind him about her sometimes and then I said I would stop bringing her up and he said “you like her more than I do.” Not sure what to do, I feel led on for sure even tho that’s not what he was trying to do... help!
My coworker and I are totally into each other but he has a girlfriend, what do I do?
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