Guys, is he being honest or does his reason for texting me sound like bs?

I got drunk and came onto a guy that I had rejected a couple months prior. I told him I had feelings for him.

The very next day he began texting me again, which he hadn’t done since I rejected him (before then he would text me all of the time). He would text me memes or start conversations about really anything. I took this to mean that he was single and still interested.

Come to find out, he wasn’t single. He recently made it official with the girl he had been seeing, but didn’t tell me.

So, I confronted him and said I think he should have told me he had a girlfriend and that I felt mislead and didn’t think we should talk anymore. In response, he told me that he only started texting me again because he didn't want me to be embarrassed about coming onto him, and he wanted me to know that we could still be friends (FYI, we were never really friends). He also said he didn’t tell me he had a girlfriend because she wanted to keep their relationship private. He says he hopes we can still be friends.

I think this is total bs and he knew good and well he was leading me on (maybe for an ego stroke). Do you think he really just wanted to be friends, or was he playing me?
He was playing you
His intentions were innocent
Other (please comment explanation)
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Guys, is he being honest or does his reason for texting me sound like bs?
5 Opinion