Does it count as 'ghosting' if you have never met the person?

Over four years ago I went out on several dates with this guy and we slept together. After that, I never heard a word from him again, he didn't respond to any of my texts. I would definitely consider this ghosting. However, recently this guy and I were talking online for two weeks and he was quite full-on. Saying he loved me, wanted to marry me, talking about sex, etc. Eventually, it got too much and I stopped replying. A few weeks later, he gets back in contact to say how he's angry and hurt. I had previously stipulated the sex-talk was getting a bit much, but he still carried on. Nonetheless, I accepted my responsibility for cutting this person off and thoroughly apologized. Now they're saying they will never forgive me. Is this person being a tad over-dramatic, considering we'd never met? I don't see why he had plans to marry me a few weeks ago, but now he's saying we don't know each other? Henceforth, I'm genuinely curious to hear other people's ideas on what counts as ghosting.
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Does it count as 'ghosting' if you have never met the person?
1 Opinion