I met his parents and sisters, and he does this?

Hey everyone! I’m 23 and a recent graduate, and was seeing this guy (he’s 22 and will be graduating May 2022 after his deployment) who’s in the air force for about 1 month (not too long I understand), but due to Covid/ working from home we honestly got to spend a lot more time together. I of course stayed busy living my own life, but definitely was able to go on 2-3 dates a week/ meets up/ with him frequent (we spent the night, no sex)... Long story short, he was the one to really want to meet my family (it was quick), and me to meet his. Hence, I literally had lunch and dinner with his family for the past 2 days, it was great aha. His mom + sisters even got me these great Christmas gifts + invited me to there holiday party while he would be on base for NYE...
Long story short, today after dinner w/ his family, we went back to our townhomes, in mine, to open the gifts we got each other and made out/ did oral (sorry for tmi) afterwards, I noticed something was feeling off, and he proceeds to tell me how he’s realized that we don’t argue, but “bicker” a lot and how that concerns him this early on + how he felt that me “helping to put his tag back under his shirt” is me trying to baby him, plus how I’m “perfect” and it’s his own issues he’s working through; he leaves for another round of training for 3 weeks soon + Saudi Arabia in 4 months, for 3 months.
I am honestly in shock and basically thanked him for his honesty, declined the “still being friends” bs, and ignored his “you did nothing wrong, you are so incredible” follow up texts... I have honestly prayed/ worked on myself SOO much these past few years, and for this to happen is so heart wrenching for me... Advice?
I met his parents and sisters, and he does this?
4 Opinion