Guys, Why can't men ever admit when they aren't interested?

im amazed at how many men that can't communicate like adults. Instead of communicating with me directly, they'd rather waste my time, instead of telling me that there really is no us. And I always end up finding out because the guy I'm dating cheats and I catch him or he just flat out starts withdrawing and making no time for me and I won't hear from a guy for at least 2 weeks. But no matter what, they never say how they really feel. It's always "Well, if that's how you feel about me then maybe we aren't right for each other" and act like I'm the one who is overanalyzing things. Uh excuse me, but if we go from dating weekly and talking about making a future together and then all of sudden you go completely M. I. A for 2 weeks , sometimes as much as 4 and expect me to not care, is RIDICULOUS. It's a partnership. Should be a two way street. Just like I put in effort, so should my partner. Or is that too much too ask these days. Seems as soon as guys get sex they think they can do whatever.
Guys, Why can't men ever admit when they aren't interested?
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