I'm a SIMP. Should I stop being a SIMP? If so then how?

Im a SIMP. Should I stop being a SIMP? If so then how?
I don't hate, demonize nor attack women.

I respect and love women. I am nice to them, smile at them, make them giggle, wish them well and compliment them. A few of them asked me to go dancing with them and I went dancing with them. They had a fun time they said and they told me I'm a good dancer even though I am not so experienced in dancing.

However I don't go on OnlyFans. It's not my thing at all.

Apparently that makes me a SIMP nevertheless and I get disrespected for it by the internet blues like there's something wrong with me. However I am not the only SIMP.
What do you think?
Is being a SIMP bad?
Should I stop being a SIMP? If so then why and how? Or is being a SIMP perfectly normal?
Im a SIMP. Should I stop being a SIMP? If so then how?
Stop SIMPing 🤚
Keep on SIMPing 👍
You should probably be SIMPing some more ⬆🌈
You're no SIMP 👌
Forget this silly word altogether and take a break from the internet. Ignore all of this nonsense and enjoy the real world ❌
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I'm a SIMP. Should I stop being a SIMP? If so then how?
1 Opinion