When we women say we are attracted to "confidence" in men, we mean how confident he is around other men, not girls. True or False?

Why do so many guys make this mistake? They think women are attracted to "confidence" a guy displays over a girl. Not really. We like the confidence he projects in his life, ie his job, his social circle, the way he interacts with people.

Does he take initiatives, finds solutions to social problems, takes charge, is proactive and not reactive? Nothing is more attractive to women than a man with sharp wit, ambition, is socially dominant, and has integrity.

So all you average-looking guys out there, work on your charisma, social dominance, integrity and you'll get a quality girl. Don't be emotionally needy, lost, fearful or rude.
When we women say we are attracted to "confidence" in men, we mean how confident he is around other men, not girls. True or False?
12 Opinion