What are some signs a guy has lost interest long distance?

We used to talk all the time throughout the whole day, he used to reply pretty fast, but the past three months he just became increasingly distant. Takes 12+ hours to respond even though he is clearly online, he doesn’t ask many questions anymore, and is very dry in his texts, doesn’t call anymore… I can take the hint and I have given him space, but then he complains that he’s always the one to reach out first usually even though that’s not true. But still- he is not giving me green lights to move forward, so I just back off because I’m not going to be desperate for his attention when he doesn’t put me as a priority. He rarely even asks me how I’m doing :,/

it sucks because I really like him, but I guess as I’m writing it I just want to know if anyone has gone though something similar.
What are some signs a guy has lost interest long distance?
1 Opinion