Guy with Aspergers - am I jumping the gun or is he playing me?

Connected with a guy through a friend - I suspect he is an Aspie (formal choice of words, miscommunications, not understanding metaphors (taking things literally) and general awkwardness all around).

Thing is, we were supposed to meet for the first time about a month ago but I had to reschedule twice a while back as sth urgent at work came up and 2nd time I was really sick from the vaccine. That's when things got a bit strange

1) We attempted to rescheduled a third time. I offered 2 days - said day X could work but day Y would be best. He didn't respond for 4 days so I was kinda disappointed thought I was being ignored - on day Y, he assumed we were on and reached out to confirm plans but I'd already made plans but offered to meet for a quick drink that night before my later plans

He didn't respond to that. I was bewildered at this point.. I thought about it and then the asperger hit me. Someone also later told me that offering to meet for a drink before actual plans sounds like I see him as an afterthought so I gave the benefit of the doubt and assumed miscommunication. I messaged the next day saying I'm not sure what happened but would still like to meet

2) He replied 2 days later asking when I was free. We agreed to a day and on the day of i didn't hear from him (he has always texted the past few time) so i asked if we were still on. He then asked if we could reschedule to a week night as he wasn't feeling the best from a hangover on but said he could still make it. I was bummed out and told him no problem and feel better soon.

He then texted back that his:
- Schedule is open all5 days for the week
- apologised sincerely (albeit really formal) and thought his hangover would pass by now
- Later added that he could still make it but just would not be his usual chirper self

How would you find this? Does this sound like he got cold feet? He could have told me he was feeling hungover earlier in the day before I texted.
He is not playing you - you're reading too much
He could be stringing you along
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Guy with Aspergers - am I jumping the gun or is he playing me?
7 Opinion