Did my Friend with benefits catch feelings?

I have this friend who I’ve been sleeping with for a few months now (he was my first and still currently the only guy I’ve slept with). Before we started messing around with each other, I was fully aware of his player lifestyle… and the fact that he sleeps around a lot. I expected him to treat me like one of the many girls he’s been with, but he doesn’t. He’s very gentle and passionate in bed with me. Which is strange, because when we were just friends he would tell me stories about all the crazy adventurous stuff he’s done with other girls (which he still hasn’t done with me.. but I want him to). It feels more like we’re making love than just having sex. It involves a lot of kissing and every position we’ve tried is face to face (not even doggy style) And although we keep our friends with benefits status a secret, he still shows affection in public. At first it would just be at parties or any night time events (we’d make out and get handsy) but recently it’s kinda changed. The other day, he gave me a long compassionate hug in public in broad daylight and then kissed me on the cheek. My 2 best friends (the only people that know about us) are convinced that he has feelings for me, but I’m not sure. I can’t tell if it’s because we’re actually friends…and he doesn’t usually stay friends with people he’s messed around with, or If he actually caught feelings.
Did my Friend with benefits catch feelings?
5 Opinion