Does my boss have a crush on me?

Recently I’ve started to wonder if my boss is attracted to me romantically.

He has started talking to me a lot over IM app that our office uses-about personal topics. When we talk it’s for several hours at a time. He has said he doesn’t like talking in general because of the energy you have to put into it and that he doesn’t go out of his way to talk to people he doesn’t know. However, every other day (ish) he’ll strike up a conversation.

He’s never overt or inappropriate but he has made the comment that he thought I “probably get a lot of attention from guys”…and talks a lot about our personal lives. Not much about work. He did however, vent to me about a meeting that upset him because he felt disrespected by other managers.

Another thing I’ve noticed: He has gotten in the habit of looking my way every time he passes by and smiling at me-which normally he would just walk straight through the hallway.
Does my boss have a crush on me?
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