How do I let a guy know i'm not interested when they call you beautiful and the most stunning girl they've ever met?

A guy was really nice to me in one of my classes. He was really sweet and we exchanged instagrams. When I got home I discovered that his insta was filled with sexual and offensive jokes and things. I was really taken by surprise because he was really nice. We've been texting through insta and at first he would just say "what's up?" I tried to be nice but not too nice if you know what I mean. I left him on open for a day and he told me he "missed me" my parents are photographers, and it came up in a conversation. He commented that my insta posts look really pro and specifically told me my homecoming pics were really good. Then he told me I was beautiful, and when I tried to be like- "Oh thanks!" he was just like- no really, your'e one of the most stunning girls iv'e ever met. Not to mention, I only saw him in one class, and he hasn't been at school since? Claims to be taking online?
How do I let a guy know i'm not interested when they call you beautiful and the most stunning girl they've ever met?
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