Why did my “ ex “ talking stage add me on snap a month later?

To explain , we were talking for a while , he was interested , so was I , but I noticed he lost interest , so I confronted him about it , and his response was pretty lame , and his actions didn’t match his words , so I unadded him off of Snapchat. He did seem like he wanted to keep me in his life , but I was afraid of getting hurt so I had to unadd him. A month later he added me on Snapchat again , and just sent me a snap of his face. I left him on read and he never decided to text me again. Two weeks later I decide to text him because I noticed he’s been watching my stories pretty fast , so i text him “ I know it’s probably a little late for me to ask this , but whyd you add me on Snapchat after what happened last time? I was pretty suprised “ he left me on delivered while his snapscore was going up and never responded. I felt horrible so I deleted my chat , and blocked him this time. I wonder if he feels upset that I did.
Why did my “ ex “ talking stage add me on snap a month later?
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