Guys approach me all the time, why?

my friends and I have noticed I get approached the most by guys in general, at the gym, at the grocery store, it's even happened while driving LOL. I'm tall, overweight, laid back appearance, have small boobs, don't wear makeup and have wild curly hair that doesn't cooperate 90% of the time. And To be honest don't put much effort into my looks. I consider myself & I say this with grain of salt the ugly one of the group because my friends have big boobs, skinner, nicer bodies & more fit are shorter, fairer & are usually called pretty way more often than me. ( its the truth). At the clubs they usually get more attention & approached. But in general they'd say I get the most approaches or outwardly compliments. I genuinely ask myself why all the time & wonder why from a males perspective.
Guys approach me all the time, why?
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