I always do things for my boyfriend but he never really does anything for me. Is this just a guy thing, is he oblivious, or a one-sided relationship?

My boyfriend is a busy guy and I am always doing little things for him, like bringing ice coffee on breaks, helping him out with projects, or getting him little gifts from my trips. I will always check in with him, make sure he is okay etc., compliment him, do small things for him, am excited to see him. He seems really happy but he has never really does the same? Like he has never done the same for me, never says thank you genuinely, just continues on with his day. He has also never gotten me a gift, done anything on his own for me, besides hang out, or asked how he can help me, etc. We just hang out, then he continues on with his day. Also, if I ask to hang more than twice a week, he's usually far too busy. He's never complimented me either. we just sorta hang out. I’m not asking for anything in return when I do things, just would appreciate something that shows thoughtfulness?

He is actually really happy, but he thinks just spending time together sometimes, and texting me throughout the week is totally fine. I'm okay w this, but I still feel like something's missing? He spends a lot of time with friends, so is happy. He hangs with his friends a lot. Then he’ll come back from trips with them like he doesn't miss me, like he won't check in for a whole week while he's on vacation w/friends but be fine.

I like him I just feel like he’s totally comfortable with the relationship to the point he doesn't need to do anything at all. I just want to feel a little more loved/appreciated I guess? How do I ask this? I've never had to ask this of a guy before. I just kind of feel shitty pretty often. This is his first true relationship too. Thanks for the help!
I always do things for my boyfriend but he never really does anything for me. Is this just a guy thing, is he oblivious, or a one-sided relationship?
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