What am I to him?

So, I have a very on again, off again ex-boyfriend. I’ve broken up with him twice and the most recent one, was two years ago after he sent n*des to another girl. He came to me and was honest and seemed like he was actually sorry, but I still broke up with him. He was always on my mind, and according to him, I was on his, but we were both too afraid of the others rejection. Sometimes I would catch him gazing at me, he’s stuck up for me against other people, and he’s always been there when I’ve needed him. Recently, we started texting again, which I thought was as friends, but maybe I was wrong, I don’t know. We were talking about the future and me going to college and he said that he would just have to come up and visit me. This led to a long back and forth (flirting, I think) about what we do and where he’d be sleeping. We both agreed he’d be in my bed with me and when the subject of meals came up he asked if I was the meal. I straight up asked if I was just a conquest and that nothing would happen if I was if there were no feelings or emotions behind it. He said there was and that he was very “enticed by the idea of being emotionally and physically involved with me”, but we’re both leaving. He reassured me that I wasn’t just someone to do it with and that I didn’t have to do anything. He just wanted to spend time with me before we’re both gone. I agreed and we’ve talked pretty much nonstop since. He’s used this “:)”, ☺️, and ❤️ while we’ve texted and he’s referred to me as “silly” in what I think is a nickname way. But, he’ll leave me on delivered for a long time when he’s active sometimes. I’m getting very mixed vibes from him and today he said “okay, buddy” when I wanted to give him some space because I’m worried that I’ve annoyed him the entire time we’ve been texting. What’s going on with us?
What am I to him?
6 Opinion