Do I still have a chance with a guy I didn't hook up with?

A few weeks ago, I went on a trip with 2 girlfriends. There we met 3 guys at the beach. We were swimming, they were on a boat they had rented. They approached us and started talking to us. There was one guy who I thought was the cutest and I met his eyes a couple of times. While the girls were chatting, I was mostly swimming around quietly. This cute asked me "do you not speak?" to which I replied "yes I do" lol and then asked if i didn't know how to swim (because I kept spitting water but it was because it was fucking salty!!) I really liked that 1 guy, but before i could say anything about it, my friend said she liked him first, later that day after they left. We met them the next evening. One of the other guys was leading us around the town because the girls asked him for a "tour". This was when that cute guy started walking close to me and then started talking to me. He said a bunch of things like "I like your hair" "you're so short, what's your height?" "what's your tattoo?" Etc. Then he asked me if i was interested in him, to which I hesitantly replied "yes" because of my friend. and i think he thought i meant no because he kind of walked away after that. then we all sat at a bar and i ended up sitting kind of far from him. And he had sat right next my friend. i kept looking at them and he noticed this and proceeded to say i was jealous of them for the rest of the night. the first time he said i was jealous i just rolled my eyes, the second time I sent him the finger. The entire night while he was hitting on my friend, he kept looking at me and talking to me. He asked me to change seats and sit closer to him but i didn't do it because of my friend. at one point the cute guy mouthed "don't be with him, be with me" (because his friend next to me was hitting on me) Among other stuff. But in the end, I hooked with the guy who sat next to me and my friend hooked up with the cute one. Question is, if i go back there, do I still have a chance with this guy?
Do I still have a chance with a guy I didn't hook up with?
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