Why would he ghost me?

I met up with a guy from a dating app. It went pretty well. The next day I texted him that it went well and we should hang out again. He immediately said yes. And then I said for him to just let me know when he’s free but he never responded.

Then about a week later I asked for his snap so we could talk outside of the app, and he gave it to me. But then he never really accepted my request (either he just declined or accepted and then removed me - I just can’t really tell on snap but when I search his name in Add Friends it says I can snap him but he’s not on my friends list lol). And then the next day he unmatched with me on the app.

I’m not interested anymore/sorta hurt/angry, but I just want to know why he ghosted me? Was he just wanting something more casual/looking for hookups? Or was it my fault somehow?
Why would he ghost me?
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