Am I the a$$hole?

Ok so this guy I’m talking about, I’ve been talking to him for 2 months now.

Well today I went and got lunch with my mom. I took a pic of the food and posted it to snap. Her arm was in the corner. They guy I’m talking to says “nice on a date”? I jokingly said “what if I am” and he said ”Do what u want and I’ll do the same”. I then told him it’s my mom and he’s like it looked like a man’s arm. Anyways he posts him and his friends hanging out so I said “nice, on a date”? He said “Yep with a bunch of dudes”. I said 100% jokingly “y’all can run a 🚂 on me”. And he said “f*ck you”. We joke like this literally all the time but now he’s all pissed at me and isn’t answering my texts. I don’t get why he’s all pissed now since we’ve joked about things like this in the past. But am I the a$$hole for saying that or is he over reacting?
Am I the a$$hole?
Post Opinion