What are reasons a guy unblocks you after you did?

i was dating this guy who really made an effort and was really sweet. He told me through text while he was on holiday that his plans for this year were to move far away.

A while later again through text he told me it was going to be really hard to say goodbye if we continued to see each other, so it was best to just be friends.

Things were going great so it took me by surprise. I asked to see him and talk about things (not to get back together, simply to understand) and he refused.

I told him that I didn't understand what had happened, thanked him for everything and blocked him from whatsapp and unfriended him on instagram. I couldn't be his friend. I was in too much pain because I felt unworthy of an explanation.

I didn't block him out of spite. I just didn't want to message him again (I reached out a few times between breakup and blocking. He never did) It was clear his mind was made up and he didn't want to see me.

Some days after blocking him, he blocked me only on instagaram. When I unblocked him on whatsapp, he unblocked me on instagram.

What do you make of the situation? If he wanted to message me he would, right? Even if I blocked him? I really don't understand and would appreciste insight/ your take on this

What are reasons a guy unblocks you after you did?
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