Only wanted a sexual fling?


We had a good first date but I began to realize that he was never really interested in talking. The first date was nice but I had noticed once that he had started looking elsewhere.

He wanted a kiss on the first date itself even though he wasn't even asking much about me. I was the one keeping the conversation going by asking him questions to which he was answering.

Second date wasn't even a date but more of a meet up and it felt like he just wanted to see if anything "sexy" happens. Because he took me outside in the dark to smoke but wasn't saying much and just behaving weird. By the time we sat down to talk, he was already checking the time and saying he doesn't want to keep me too long as I will be late.

He had also completely stopped talking at one point to watch other people around us. He also checked out a few girls and explicitly showed them to me saying he's just saw them earlier. He also checked me out but was completely exasperated with me for some reason. .

After that date, he stopped seeing me. But he kept trying to wave at me, say hi but I never texted him again. After that he started giving me dark looks , as if he's pretty pissed but for some reason continued to talk.

I later on found him outside a bar meeting another girl. He tried 3 months later again with me by giving me a lot of compliments ( his attitude had chnaged overnight) but I did not ask him out because all he was doing was giving compliments and not saying anything himself.

He again got mad and stopped replying to my texts, lied to me that he isn't going on summer holidays (when he was gone) and I think he's still hooking up with someone. Thats why he's not coming to restart his activities with me.

I honestly wanted to get to know him but it seems like all he wants is fun and sex?

I ve caught him checking out multiple girls.

He still has me on his IG and phone number which O think he has forgotten that he still has considering he has no interest?

Only wanted a sexual fling?
3 Opinion