Friends with benefits being greedy?

Perspective on friends with benefits situation. I (29F) have a friends with benefits relationship with a (43M) going on over a year now. We know we both date and see other people, but we enjoy each other’s company and sex is easy/ fun for us. We see each other when we can (or when we just don’t have plans with someone else we are dating). When we do see other we get dinner, have sex, sleepover, and the next day get brunch and then go our merry way until next time our schedules align. However, he has started to go beyond friends with benefits territory. Asking me for photos (regular and/ or nudes), who I am seeing/ dating and details, who else I am having sexual relationships with and specific personal details, and to also go away on a weekend trip with him. Not sure if he likes me more than a friends with benefits or is just being nosy about my life and greedy with the sexual aspect of our relationship (photos/nudes) for himself. Male perspective is much appreciated.
Friends with benefits being greedy?
4 Opinion