Please talk sense into me?


So. Rejection.

a guy I really liked rejected me bc I changed my mind about being intimate w/ him he even asked me to leave his place when I explained to him the next day why it was he told me he was put off. Now someone else also rejected me that week for drunkingly hitting on a guy with a girlfriend who said I made him uncomfortable and I asked to kiss him but she didn’t even wanna be my friend bc apparently that was “iffy”..

the rejection hurt so much I stayed in bed stopped going gym stopped tracking my calories (big deal to me as I lost 60lbs and in the process of losing more) didn’t answer any of my friends and all in all I feel like shit. Because I had also been used for sex / friendzoned / rejected by two other guys this year it just feels like I’m not good enough no matter how hard I try so why should I even try if I’m still not enough even when I’ve been putting all my effort to be better. Rejection sucks and it hurts I physically don’t want to do anything but dwell on it. Pathetic right?

Please talk sense into me?
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