What do you think about a guy commenting on a girl‘s weight?

I am slim (probably a tad underweight actually) but I am otherwise healthy, I get regular periods, etc. Yet for some reason my partner feels the need to tell me that I should put on more weight. I tell him that I‘ve always been petite and slim. I can‘t help it! But he says things like ‘when you get older, you’re gonna have health issues’ as if he’s a doctor (which he is not. He is also quite slim by men’s standards so I think he’s being a hypocrite. He even once said, if I put on X amount of kilos there’d be ‘more to play with’… 😏. This mad me feel like I’m not enough the way I am. Do any other women know what I mean? Guys what do you think? Should I dump this guy?

What do you think about a guy commenting on a girl‘s weight?
Post Opinion