Why does he keep looking at me like this?

There’s this guy in one of my college classes who is cute to me and he’s basically like another teacher or TA and has no problem commenting on what the teacher has said or following up with his opinion. I admire it a lot and am he’s very outspoken about certain injustice issues in the community.
We sit in a giant circle in class and he sits kind of like diagonal from me. His feet always face me ans the professor sits next to him so he’s kinda facing towards him too. every time he raises his hand and starts speaking he’ll start talking with his hands and glance at the professor and then make dead eye contact with me while talking. Some times for seconds at a time and I have to look away. Once he was looking at me while talking and slightly lost his train of thought and turned back to the professor. The eye contact is so strong though it’s hard not to smile when he’s looking at me while talking.
I’ve been told I’m a cute girl lol which I know doesn’t automatically make him interested. How do I see if he is or could be?
Why does he keep looking at me like this?
2 Opinion