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I remember I was younger than I am now, naiver, and unsure. Best advice I could give to anybody is don’t take advice. Not that advice is bad, but that you usually know better than anybody what’s right and wrong for you. I wish I had just followed my gut instead of listening to all the advice in the world. Because everybody will always try to steer you in a direction that SEEMS best. But the only people whose advice matters are those people that want you to be happy, and care about your best interest. Like your best friend, your mom and dad, or your therapist who you pay to give you advice. Some random person on the internet likely doesn’t give a hoot about you and will only tell you what sounds good or what they would have done in your shoes. They could be a lunatic! I see too many questions on here asking for the most basic advice on the planet but what scares me are the answers!!! These people don’t care about you. Please, get a journal and figure it out on your own. You can do it!

discalimer:this only applies to personal and social matters. You can take work related advice from a professional in the same field, or advice that won’t effect your happiness

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