My fiance expects me to get rid of my cats while he keeps his dog?


Maybe I'm just here to vent. I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Validation, clarification, I don't know. My fiance got a dog a year ago that none of us wanted (me and our 3 kids). He never discussed it with me prior to getting the dog. We HAD talked about getting a dog but ONLY after we got out of our apartment and into our own home (we live on the 4th floor with no yard). So we planned on waiting but he just showed up one day with this dog and outright refused to get rid of it, knowing we didn't have the means to take care of this animal right now. And since getting the dog, ALL responsibilities have fallen off on my shoulders because I work from home and he works in office, long hours. I never signed up for this. I didn't want this. And now I'm forced in to playing this role. He knows that I absolutely resent the dog. Not just because I didn't want her but because she has severe behavioral issues. She can't be trusted around strangers (especially strange kids), she has nipped me several times, she goes after the cats, eats all their food, gets on my table, will take food from your hands/plate the second you aren't paying attention, will wait to shit in the house after you were just outside with her for a half hour. She isn't a good dog by any means and as much as I try training her, my husband goes right behind me and fucks it up (giving her treats constantly, simply for "looking cute", even if she had just shit on the floor 30 seconds prior- so basically he rewards ALL her bad behaviors).

Anyways, he got me a cat 3 years ago as a gift and then he brought home 2 kittens for me a month ago. Me and the kids are attached to all 3 of these cats, much like he is attached to his dog. But the dog went after one of the kittens again last week so I flipped out and told him he either trains the dog or she needs to fucking go. The dog can't be trusted. He said that we should just get rid of all the cats instead and he is being serious. I'm livid and I don't know what to do.

My fiance expects me to get rid of my cats while he keeps his dog?
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