Is he not interested anymore?

So this guy was very interested in me when we first started talking but I wasn’t much into him. I suddenly started to like him but when I started to show interest he kinda fell back. His replies got slower then he stopped responding. In person I saw him a few times but his behavior changed and he would just say hey to me. Then he slowly begin talking to me but only in person still no texting back. When we were together he was always on his phone on Facebook messenger.

So one day he tells me he’s going to call me. Then I called him a liar and told him he wasn’t but he said he stopped talking to me because I’m always talking about taking a nap when he wants to call. I only told him that twice. First time I was tired and the second time his replies gotten really slow (text back every 3 hours) so I told him I was just going to sleep. So he calls once for 4 hours but that’s it and texted me after I get off the phone. We text for the next few days and I send him videos on TikTok. A week ago was the last time he texted me and it was in the later afternoon and we only exchanged 5 texts. He stopped replying from there. I’ve sent him two videos on tiktok but he hasn’t responded but yet he’s active on it every single day.

Is he not interested anymore?
Post Opinion