Is it bad if a little girl and a early teenage girl was making jokes about her butt around an adult male? Would you be concerned if it was your kid?

I am not trying to come off like a pedophile here. I am genuinely concerned about this.

Please let me explain what I mean. So we know the teenage world and the adult world seems to sexualize girls butts so much. Which it shouldn't, we should chill out from that, give butts a break sometimes guys. This question is mostly geared toward like 4-11 aged girls and 12-14 aged girls. This question doesn't apply to 14-17 year old girls.

In this setting, it would be your friend or her teacher or something. It wouldn't be some dude she was just hanging out with. You would know them at least somewhat. They would be a nice guy or trustworthy guy most of the time you see them. It would be a nuanced setting where kids hang out with adults sometiems and it would be someone she likes to be around and trusts.

Anyways back to the point. there's subtle jokes kids sometimes make about there butts so Im kinda concerned here because like what if she make a little subtle joke about her butt like it hurts or your butt will feel funny if u sit down that could appl to everyone.

I know that this happens and sometimes people ignore it and act like its not a big deal and sometimes people act like its a problem.

Just because a female in the picture, be it adult or child, makes a joke about her butt, it doesn't mean that it has to be sexualized guys. I wanna make that clear.

This is a complicated matter and I wanna know what you guys think. It was giving me a lot of anxiety because I know that this happens and people react to it inconstistently

Is it bad if a little girl and a early teenage girl was making jokes about her butt around an adult male? Would you be concerned if it was your kid?
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