Guys, Boyfriend/father of my child doesn't share anything about his everyday life long distance, why?


Hi Everyone,

I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and father of my child.

So, The father of my child and boyfriend stopped sharing things with me about two months ago. He used to tell me everything that he was doing and how his was and all.

Until one day he stopped. It started to affect our relationship because we stopped talking as unusual and when i told him he'd tell me I'm being dramatic or insecure.

He told me this long distance was harder than he expected. Our son is with me since i gave birth in this country and work here.

It got too much when he posted himself in another country and i asked him why he didn't tell me. He said he was going to tell afterwards. I even told him I'm done with him that same week. He acted like i was just acting crazy and continued texting me as usual.

We spoke about it and he wanted to know what i wanted.

Fast forward a week later he posts a video in a stadium about to watch a football match. I found out again on his social media.

He is aware of this issue i have of him all of a sudden not putting in any effort and brushing me off.

I want to give him tim to fix this but i feel like I've ran out of patience. We talked about getting married once we figured out the logistics of things but it's driving me crazy that he isn't changing this ine thing.

I don't know why je wants to be with me if he's pulling away.

My question why did he stop sharing things with me? We used to talk fo hours but now nothing.

Guys, Boyfriend/father of my child doesn't share anything about his everyday life long distance, why?
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