Why were they so mad but she didn't tell them she was seeing someone?


My best friend has had the worst luck with guys and now she's finally found a really great guy and they've only just started dating.

I'll be totally honest my friend is a beautiful girl inside and out but she has a massive four head and is kinda loud as to why she's struggled with guys. I don't even notice anymore because I'm kinda blinded by it because of how much I love her like a stister until she mentions it herself or some else does.

She didn't want anyone knowing she was dating this guy because he's a real good one and is scared if it fails. He's really good looking and has a really good job and seems to be a super good guy.

I'm the only one who knows she hadn't even told her family till today and it was only her stister she told. Also my friend is a virgin and never had a boyfriend before so it's all really new for her.

So today she was hanging out with some of are guy friends and this guy pops up on her phone one of the guys sees and she tells him the truth. He ends up telling all the other boys whilst she's in the bathroom and they all got mad at her for keeping it a secret from them and called her a lair to the point they made her cry. Even one of the boys mums got involved and called her a lair.

I've really gone of these guys now it's literally none of there business plus they don't respect are privacy and just think everything is a joke that's why we didn't tell them in the first place and it's really off but they got so mad about it. It's literally nothing to do with them and she shouldn't have to tell them if doesn't want to.

It's only been one date but she's seeing him again tomorrow.

One of the boys actually text her apologising and saying it was just a joke but we both think he's scared of losing his two only female friends and realised he exposed himself to be a arse whole and panicked.

Why were they so mad but she didn't tell them she was seeing someone?
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