Snapscores, how do they work and should I be concerned?


Me and my boyfriend both agreed to use snapchat for business use. And I caught him in a lie saying he checks it once in awhile, totally understandable I do the same but I don't talk to anyone unless it's for business, so anyway I've been kinda just watching bc I have no life (like everyone says) and I watch his points go up and for a while I would as him if it went up a lot so when you receive and send it's 2 points together, so his normal is prob 10 a day maybe less but I recently saw today that it went up to 103 points meaning he snapchated 51.5 people meaning he received and sent out 51 people or prob 5 people I don't know plus either sent one and didn't recieve one or left someone on read! And yesterday it was like 2 and the other before that was 5 so I was like maybe snapchat gave him points for not being on then I thought but he was on yesterday, then I was thinking it could've been birthday bc his was the 9th but he was on the 13,14, and 15th but wouldn't he get extra points the 13th I don't know am I over reacting, I havnt used snap since last year bc respect for him but if he doesn't have respect for me what's the point and I've told him multiple times uve lied to me and is there anything or anyone I need to worry about and he said no so I don't know.

1 y
Could just be some videos bc ik one acquaintance of his likes to send meme/stupid videos
Snapscores, how do they work and should I be concerned?
1 Opinion