Should I trust this man or not?


I met a guy online who told me he stayed on dating sites for 3 years. He told me he never had sex with anyone except for one girl three years ago. He travelled all the way to my city for four hours just to meet me.

When I first met him, I did pull away, but then he tried to prove that not all men are the same. He didn't force me to have sex with him. But then he told me something that somehow scared me—he doesn't want to commit. I did not bother to think about it and just had a good time with him. We shared a lot of talks, fun, and walks. We were both happy and just sending out positive vibes until we had sex together.

After the two days we spent together, he said he had to leave me to visit his friend "girl" in another city, which is 30 minutes away. I was curious about it, but he said she is just a family friend, and they have been friends for many years and are very close. Her family is already his family. He stayed there for three days, and I did not bother to overthink it.

We still communicated together right after he left, and we have been calling and texting each other for three weeks now, getting to know each other better. He eventually told me that he wanted to get serious about me; he sent a lot of kiss and hug emoticons. We become more comfortable with each other.

Now, he told me he wants to drop by to see me in the city next week. I asked him, "Where are you going?" He said to his friend, "Girl," again for two days, but his ultimate goal is to meet me.

I felt uncomfortable and scared if he was telling the truth, and I somehow doubted that this girl could be his girlfriend or fling. I pulled away again from him, even if it did hurt me a lot, and said I needed space.

Now my question is, do I need advice on whether I shouldn't be jealous of this friend's "girl" OR should I be suspicious and cautious of this guy?

Should I trust this man or not?
Yes, you should trust him!
No, you should Not trust him!
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Should I trust this man or not?
20 Opinion