Why is he suddenly being distant?


My boyfriend is being distant and I’m not sure why.
On Monday and Tuesday things were good! We had a nice evening after work, nothing out of the ordinary. Then Wednesday morning when we woke up he seemed off.
Wednesday evening he was distant and I couldn’t get much from him when I did talk. He didn’t ignore me, he did talk a bit. He is significantly less talkative than he usually is though.
I asked him if he was ok a couple times just to make sure and he said yes. I thought maybe work was stressing him out (I know he’s been busy there lately) but he said he didn’t feel stressed. But things still seem off. His tone of voice when he talks to me is very subdued, which isn’t like him.
It’s confusing and irritating that he’s clearly acting differently but says everything is ok. If it’s not work stress, is it us?
I’ll admit I’m an overthinker so my mind is usually trying to piece things together when I don’t have any info, in this sort of situation.
I don’t want to keep pestering him to ask what’s wrong when he’s already told me he is ok.
What should I do? Just act as if everything is ok this evening? Try to start conversations and get short answers?

Why is he suddenly being distant?
4 Opinion