He was gaslighting me, right? I’m upset by it, am I being dramatic?


My husband and I got into a little argument the other day and I think he was straight up gaslighting me 💀

He wanted to have sex one morning and I wasn’t in the mood so I said no. He rolled over, nudged me away when I tried to cuddle, left for work without saying bye or “I love you” back to me. He gets distant like that every time I don’t want to fuck.

I texted him apologizing and he said “you don’t even know what you’re sorry about.” I told him I assumed it was because I said no to sex. He denied that and was saying things along the lines of “you don’t know why I’m upset. You don’t listen. It’s obvious but you always think it’s about something else. “
he refused to tell me what he was actually upset about.

So I went off on him and said “you can man up and tell me what you’re upset about because I’m not playing a guessing game. Until then, I’m gonna continue to assume you’re mad because I didn’t have sex with you and you’re just too embarrassed to admit that”

after that, he all the sudden claims he was never upset at all and I misunderstood his texts that so clearly imply that he WAS upset about something.
When I asked about his behavior (pushing me off, leaving without saying bye), he made excuses like “oh I was just tired. I was in a rush to leave”

we’ve been living together for 7 years. I think I can tell the difference between you acting like you’re in a rush vs acting like you’re upset with me. Especially since you coincidentally act that way every time I say no to sex.

what bothers me about the whole situation is that we had a conversation about this before. I told him I felt bad because he had a higher sex drive than me and I didn’t want to have sex as often as he did. He said it was “completely fine and I didn’t have to say yes if I didn’t want to” but clearly it’s not fine 😭 it’s not like I deny him of sex all the time. I think we fuck a decent amount. I just don’t want to do it every day, multiple times a day, the way that he does.

1 y
This is also not the first time where I felt like he was gaslighting me. There have been times where I’ve brought up past conversations and he would be like “oh I never said that.” Or he would bring up past arguments and tell me “you said this and that” to make it seem like i was the one in the wrong even though I NEVER said those things. I always thought one of us was just misremembering the situations, but this argument made me realize that he could be doing it on purpose..
1 y
I’m using this energy from now on 💀
He was gaslighting me, right? I’m upset by it, am I being dramatic?
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