Anyone ever experienced male friend cutting all ties and ghosting all friends for no apparent reason? If you later found out the reason, what was it?


Within 10 months, he went from being his normal happy go lucky energetic guy to being grumpy, than not showing up for things he said he would attend and finally ghosting everyone and not answering to messages. He however still hangs out with his work colleagues. Obviously we are worried he may be depressed but it might really be any reason… he might be offended for something we didn’t realize would offend him, or I even suspected he might have found out he’s gay and his work colleagues are more “open” than many of the boys of our group in this respect. Curious to hear if anyone had past experiences with this.

Was angry at his friends
Other (please explain)
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Anyone ever experienced male friend cutting all ties and ghosting all friends for no apparent reason? If you later found out the reason, what was it?
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